Friday, May 22, 2009

We've Moved!

Hello Blogger Community and Being En Pointe Followers! You can now find me on Wordpress at:

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let It Flow

Just recently I had the pleasure of going to Aruba for my husband’s President’s Club Trip (an incentive trip via his company). It was only a weekend trip, yet I was so thrilled to be experiencing some much needed rest and fun in a place I had never visited. My whistle was wet, but I wanted more!

This trip reminded me of last year’s incentive trip to Cabo San Lucas, which was magical. It was during this trip that I made the decision (and my husband agreed!) that it would be a goal of ours to go on as many mini-vacations as possible, even if they were only in Florida. Our children are at an age where they, too, will enjoy and learn from visiting places outside of their home city…out of their routine.

When we came back from Cabo I worked with my coach to create my Life Plan. This is a carefully crafted document, with vision, passion, love, and excitement poured into it! What a fun exercise! I took the time to design the life I wanted to experience 25 years from now, and in addition, the steps or actions that I wanted to see myself complete within 10, 5 and 1 year(s) from now in order to fulfill that vision.

Within my short range plan (one year), one of the actions that had so much positive energy surrounding it was my goal to “take as many mini-trips” as possible…maximum one per month. It wasn’t until my close friend Mal made a comment on my Facebook profile that I, too, realized that my intention—my request of the universe was coming to fruition. Mal’s comment was something like this…"Mo, I remember you telling me that you wanted to take a lot of little trips this year and you’re doing it…you’re living the 'the secret!'”

Wow! She was right! For those of you who have studied the Law of Attraction, or felt motivated by The Secret or previously published books relating to manifesting your desires into reality, this personal example may come in handy for you! Because of our day-to-day responsibilities and busy thoughts and actions, it can be so easy to miss when your dreams are coming true. Mal’s message to me was my gift for that day, because it helped me to be grateful for my many blessings, and it reminded me that you can achieve what you wish for.

The first thought that came to me was “I had so much positive energy surrounding this goal that I let it go…gave it to the universe to make it happen…and simply accepted the gifts as they came.” My friends, it doesn’t get much easier than this. We can continue to read books, listen to lectures, ask for advice, but the proof is in the pudding! The moment you truly allow yourself to Ask, Believe, and Receive and Trust that it will come to pass, the rest is easy and the stress is removed. And what is the rest, you ask? Ahhh…it’s the best part…living in the moment!

Let me reference an amazing CD I recently listened to, which my divine friend Lynn let me borrow (love ya girl!). It’s called The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Esther and Jerry Hicks. They are the authors of “Ask and It Is Given.” The link provided here is from one of their talks shown on YouTube. I cannot even come close to perfectly delivering their message, but I shall try to synthesize the thought quickly and as best as I can. Here I go…

According to the Hicks (or Abraham, as they refer to themselves), our lives are like a stream and everything we want—our desires; what we hope to manifest or receive—is downstream. However, due to our human nature to work, work, work, and try, try, try, and fight, fight, fight for what we want we tend to row against the stream’s current and violently row our oars to go upstream. We are resisting the current that naturally wants to take us downstream and give us what we desire. We often tell ourselves that people only get what they want when they work so hard to get it, but according to the Law of Attraction, nothing that we want is upstream…not one!

According to Abraham the stream will continue to flow all of our lives, and will flow faster and faster as we continue to create and fight for our desires. Yet, when we release our oars and let the current take us downstream, that is when we feel a sense of relief and we are in vibrational sync with that which we desire.

Abraham asks, “How long do you want to wait to get what you want?” Not long at all if you just go with the flow. When you do you are reaching for the positive feeling of having that which you desire and the current is taking you in that direction. When you fight, fight, fight upstream and create upstream thoughts, like “I don’t have it yet and I need it to be happy!” you are focused only on what you don’t have and may be missing opportunities that float right by you. Yet, when you go with the flow…Ask and Believe…then you will notice these gifts and the Receiving will come much faster.

Let’s stop battling the current of our own intentions!

Take some time to think about those things you want to manifest in your life and create the feeling deep inside of how you will feel when you have them. Feel it now, and let it go; go with the flow and let it come to you.

Do you have examples of how receiving gifts from the universe came faster and felt better when you didn’t fight so hard to get it? I’d love to hear about your experiences.

Let me close with a message of gratitude (from my Daily Kabbalah Tune Up)--so important to the exercise of living in the now and receiving what we are divinely ordered to receive. This message was actually delivered on my birthday, March 6, and I was very grateful for that! Here it is:

Friday, March 6

The power of miracles is available to us at every moment. There are many practical steps you can take to connect with this power. They all involve finding excitement and beauty in the permanent and lasting gifts of the Creator.

-Begin the day with gratitude
-Realize that life itself is a miracle.
-Recognize the precision and wonder of nature.
-Seek the Light in every person you meet.
-Identify the Light in all things.

Exercise these five steps today and you will have the power of miracles on your side. Create the unthinkable - for yourself, for your loved ones, and for the world.

Wishing you daily miracles,

Helping you succeed in the dance of life!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Heaven on Earth

This month, I have been given subtle messages by several “messengers”, to pay attention to how I can become more rooted, connected to our world and others around me. Simply, how I can be more of an Earth Angel. As I sit here and type this message, I’m actually amazed at how I caught on to these “messages”. I’m patting myself on the back (I am, really! :-) ) for listening to my intuition, which I blogged about last month.

More on the messages and messengers further along…

You’ve heard this term before—Earth Angel—yes? And, I bet you can even sing the song. Yet, have you pondered what truly is an Earth Angel? It was quite funny how I came to think about it. Last week my neighborhood association hosted an Art Fair in our park and I volunteered for a few hours. I recognized one of the vendors who was walking in my direction and we spoke for a few minutes. We lived on the same block growing up, and played together often. Her cousin, who at the time lived a few homes away as well, is still one of my very best friends still today. Although I had no intention of visiting the vendors or purchasing anything, I did want to stop by her table to see her craft.

Lilly’s business is, and she creates earth friendly shopping bags with cute sayings on them. Yes, you must visit her site! It just so happened that I had wanted to purchase a few of these bags so that I could do my part to be eco-friendly. It takes a village, right? I believe it does. So, the first one that caught my attention said “Earth Angel”. Immediately I said, “Okay, give me three of those and one of the other.” In fact, I told Lilly that I believed I was an Earth Angel. She may still be wondering what I meant! I was thrilled with my purchase and set my new bags in my kitchen, and began using one as my paper recycling “bin”. Lilly was Messenger #2.

Fast forward to this week...
I received an invitation from the local chapter of my coaching institute to hear from a “Peace Pilgrim”, a young man who has dedicated his life to traveling from community to community (wherever he is invited to go) to learn and teach principles of peace and love. While the topic seemed interesting, I did not pay too much attention to it at first. I already had a commitment that evening, and it would have been a long day for me. Yet, the more the days went on I received a stronger calling to attend. So I did. This man was quite intriguing. You just don’t meet people like this every day!

I would not be able to do his vision justice unless I shared verbatim everything he discussed with us on this night, but I will try to sum it up in one paragraph. Scaughdt (“scot”) is the principal founder of (i)am—Inspiring the Altruistic Moment ( He shared with us two workbooks he had created for his “Re-Discovering Peace” three-day workshop, which had just adjourned a few hours prior. He only shared two of the major concepts in the workbook, but the message was clear and deep for me.

In essence, Scaughdt’s talk was one of detailing the path of self-reactualization—how we—those of us on earth—can move closer and closer to spirit through our thoughts, emotions and actions. He showed us a very complex diagram that detailed, based on his first-hand knowledge and experience living in this fashion, how we can move through and up this path by lovingly choosing to do for others (putting others needs first) as often as possible. He describes that “shift” as jumping from Truth to Virtue, that is, being a “Virtue Walker” (walking your talk) instead of a “Truth Seeker” (simply searching for deeper meaning). He believes that we reach enlightenment and contentment in the exact moment we decide to choose love and peace and oneness over fear and ego and selfishness. We have hundreds of these “moments” to consciously make this decision each day. Ahhh, I definitely met an Earth Angel and clearly saw in my mind and felt in my heart those moments when I had been an Earth Angel too. Scaughdt was Messenger #3.

Now, I’m taking you back to the first week of February, when I had the opportunity to meet a like-minded individual. I was in a work meeting with one of our board members, when we had a moment to talk candidly about the economy, work, personal development, etc. I shared with him my new coaching business and my desire to align myself more closely with individuals who “speak my language” as well as those who I can help along the way. He shared that his wife, too, was “on this path” and happened to be working at the university as well.

So, just a few days later his wife and I were having coffee on campus talking about our interests, sharing experiences, and feeling “at home”. Just before our conversation ended she felt the need to share with me an organization developed by Deepak Chopra, one of my favorite authors. She felt that being aligned with them would be something I would benefit from and would provide me an avenue to share with others the work I was doing. She also mentioned that she did not see this organization’s presence in Miami.

It did not take me long to look up the Alliance for a New Humanity (ANH). And when I did, I too noticed that it did not have a Miami Chapter. I thought to myself, “Why not take this opportunity to help lead a global effort for creating transformation right here in my own backyard?” That day, ANH Miami was born. My mother, Ellie, who has always been my like-minded spiritual partner, has joined me as co-founder of ANH Miami. I invite you to learn more about ANH by visiting our group website: You may join this group as well as our group on Facebook: We hope to begin organizing our first discussion soon. Tatiana was Messenger #1.

It was in this moment, when I was thinking about what to blog on, that my eyes became fixated on my new Earth Angel grocery bag. Instantly my thoughts were filled with these meetings and conversations that seem to have created a theme for my month of February—“How could I be more of an Earth Angel more often”?

So, next time you pick up a book that you feel will help you on your quest to seek a deeper meaning in life, why not heed Scaughdt’s advice and just go out and give of yourself from the heart. If we each get out of our own way, spread our wings, and engage in random acts of kindness, we will, together, be creating a New Humanity.

Many blessings,

Helping you succeed in the dance of life!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Are you talking to me?

Each of us has unique talents and gifts that we can share with the world. One gift that is found in all of us, however, is intuition.

Intuition is defined as the “instinctive and unconscious knowing without deduction or reasoning.” Simply put, it is when you get a gut feeling about something without knowing why or without any evidence to back it up.

Some of us have a very keen intuition—we feel it and we follow it often, because we’ve learned to listen to it and trust it. Others of us can’t really pin-point when we are getting an intuitive “vibe” or explain what we feel. Truth be told…it just takes a lot of practice to identify it and learn how to use it to your benefit in daily life.

One of the strongest intuitive feelings I have ever experienced happened in middle school. My sister and I would usually hang around after school for a while with other friends until our mother was able to pick us up. This one afternoon, however, the older sister of one of my friends came by and asked us if she could take us to get ice cream. Pretty harmless, right? My mother would not be coming for a while, so why not go? Well, almost the minute I got into the car I got a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, I almost felt numb, and the thought that came to my mind was—“Don’t go…something bad is going to happen.”

Well, needless to say, I did not listen. And, if you would have snapped a photo of me in that car, you would have seen a young girl with a frightened look on her face, crouched down into the seat as low as she could go. It was a rainy day and the roads were wet, and within 10 minutes of leaving school “it” happened. Yes, we were in a car accident with a very large truck that sent the car into a spin on the wet road. We survived with only some sprains, scratches and bruises, and even managed to get back to school in a taxi cab before my mom showed up.

I was grateful, of course, for not having been seriously injured, but I was even more grateful for experiencing that very deep knowing—or intuition—that whenever I feel it again I know better to listen.

Another intuition I feel very frequently is related to my children and their health. I am sure most mothers can attest to the same types of feelings!! I don’t take my children to the doctor or hospital frequently, but sometimes, you just know that something is up. It’s not just a cold or a tummy ache, but it’s more. When I was a new mother I did not trust my intuition much and took my son to the doctor a bit too frequently. But within a few months of getting the hang of the “mother thing”, I did begin to trust my intuition. And, I must admit that about 98% of the time that my gut tells me something is wrong, I am right. I don’t even think twice any more…it’s off to the doctor or hospital I go!

Now, it is very possible that your intuition can be stronger in certain circumstances, especially when related to someone you love, like your spouse or children. I know this is very true for me. We can take those strong instances, though, and remember the feeling, because that same feeling, although not as strong in other situations, can still be detected and applied. It means being very aware.

This past week I was coaching a client around an issue; a decision she could not make. When I asked her to tell me how she would feel if she made one decision versus another her reaction was incredible. It was not her verbal reaction, but the physical reaction that she explained to me. In her words… “OMG…this feeling is very familiar. When I see myself doing this it is like I am making the same mistake I did years ago.” Her intuition was clearly letting her know that this was not the way to go. If she hadn’t taken the time to imagine how she would feel about making the decision, she might have taken the path she was used to that would have caused her more pain down the road.

Intuition is something that can grow stronger in us as we learn how to identify it. It is also a skill that we can use daily to help us make decisions—from simple ones to complex ones. You can check in with your intuition when hiring some one, when making an important purchase (like a car), when deciding with whom to spend your time, with investing your money, when deciding how to change your career, etc. No one knows what is best for you than you do! Practice listening to and feeling what your body is trying to tell you. You may be pleasantly surprised and truly enjoy the benefits.

Here are some simple steps to developing your intuition:
*Take a few minutes before any decision to think about your options and see what feelings arise. Are the feelings dark or light? Energizing or debilitating? What feels better? What feels right?

*Take a risk and don’t reason! The minute you bring reason into the picture you’ll talk yourself out of your core feeling or thought. Jump right into action and evaluate the results later. Was the risk worth it? Were you right on?

*If you get a gut feeling or thought when speaking with someone, share it with them to see if you are correct. You may have saved them time, money or energy!

*Keep an Intuition Journal and keep track of what you feel, hear, smell, taste, etc. You will learn quickly how your body communicates with you.

I’d love for you to share any intuitions that you have had that have either worked out or not. How did you learn from the experience?

Here are a couple of great quotes I found about intuition, both serious and humorous:

“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself!”
-Actor Alan Alda

“I feel there are two people inside of me—me and my intuition. If I go against her, she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.”
-Actress Kim Basinger

Go within and find your intuition…embrace her/him…enjoy the results!

Helping you succeed in the dance of life!

Monday, January 19, 2009

What’s Burning You?

My husband recently bought an outdoor fire pit for our son’s backyard camping party. Last night, I was enjoying the crisp, cool evening by the fire and was mesmerized by the stunning flames. Within in a minute or so this question came to me—“What’s burning you?” So, I decided to ponder upon the question for a while.

There are two ways to look at this question—both very useful. The first way provides us with a mechanism to dig down deep inside and discover (or rediscover) what positively ignites us—“lights us up.” A great way to do this is to think back to your childhood (8 yrs old or younger) and try to remember what you absolutely loved doing. What were you doing? Who else was with you? Can you remember your feelings? Why did you enjoy doing this activity so much? How was it meaningful for you?

Don’t you remember the feeling of being a child…carefree with not much to worry about or fear over? These feelings tend to get tucked away as we grow older and the expectations of others and the world weighs heavily upon us. But, if we can just tap into that fire again (our true colors) and learn to incorporate some of these childhood passions into our lives, perhaps we would feel more fulfilled.

Here’s an example…I recently heard a woman describe that as a child she absolutely loved to dance. Now that she can look back at that experience, she realized that it wasn’t the dancing itself (because she commented that she wasn’t a good dancer), but how she felt when she was in front of an audience, and her interaction with them. So, today, she taps into that passion by making sure that she often has the opportunity to “perform” in front of others in her career, whether it be during a staff meeting, presentation, event, or otherwise. These activities conjure up in her the same emotions she felt as a child dancing. What has resulted for her is that she now feels happier at work. Neat realization, huh?

A second way that we can look at this question is to uncover what negatively burns us inside. You know that feeling when someone embarrasses you in public or doesn’t include you in an activity or gives you criticism you can’t handle? Whatever the “thing” or “things” are that burn us up inside truly provide us with some insights that, if uncovered, can help create new opportunities in our lives that we, ourselves, are blocking.

Let’s take the example of not being included in an activity. I know someone who would “burn up” every time his peers would go out for lunch and not invite him. It would infuriate him, especially because he felt he had a great relationship with all of them. He never spoke to anyone about it though so as not to be seen as a pushover. However, after digging a bit, he realized that perhaps the reason he had not been invited was due to his office door being closed around lunch, which may have given others the impression that he was not interested in socializing or joining them.

So what changed? You got it…he opened his door and the invites poured in! It is amazing how our beliefs and self-doubts can limit us and make us angry in the meantime. And what does anger do? It can affect our stress levels, which can in turn affect our health, sleep habits, etc. Let’s leave this for another blog!!

So, what fires within yourself can you IGNITE or PUT OUT? Sometimes, simple internal shifts can make such a difference in how we feel and how we show up in our lives each day.

This week, I encourage you to light your fire within. As singer and songwriter Jerry Garcia expressed in one of his beautiful ballads, “Inspiration moves me brightly”, may you be inspired and moved this week and brightly shine your light!

Helping you succeed in the dance of life!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Anatomy of a "Freak-Out"

What exactly is a "freak-out"?
Why do we have them?
How can you benefit from one?

The first week back at work provided me with an opportunity to really give some thought to the above questions. Considering that we are all being affected by the recession and learning that more bad news may be on the way (at least in Fla.), it's not too hard these days to personally experience a "freak-out" or help another person through one.

Beginning a "new year" brings with it many emotions. Getting back to work I observed some individuals ready to spring into new opportunities, others a bit tentative about what to do and where to start, and then a select few in "freak out" mode.

In this case, my definition of "freak out" is not only imagining the worst case scenario, but feeling it deeply and letting those emotions affect your day, your week, your month, and your future. Many times, it also can dramatically change the energy of those on your team, putting them in reactive mode instead of proactive mode.

So I gave some thought to what brings about this kind of reaction in people, one that can take someone off track and lose momentum. One reason is very obvious--FEAR. Fear of failure and fear of the unknown. The second reason that rings true for me is JUDGEMENT. Judging anything as good or bad automatically reduces the important activity of reasoning. The minute we judge something one way or another we leave no room for arguments otherwise; we have created a paradigm. In many cases we also make quick decisions which can be detrimental later. Worst for me, though, is not allowing for the opportunity of success. Success does not come overnight, it comes from sustained, thoughtful and energetic work.

Preventing one may not be as hard as it seems. The first step I'd like to propose to you is to learn how not to judge. This is hard at first, but it gets easier with practice. You can say to yourself, "This outcome is not good or bad, it just is." Then, take the time to evaluate what opportunity you can take from this outcome. There is always an opportunity! I bet if you took the time to evaluate a past "freak-out" you would probably tell me what the opportunity was or could have been (if you allowed it).

The second step I'd like for you to consider is to be in the moment with the situation and with your emotions. Acknowledge them, name them, and talk to them (you may want to close your office door!). You can tell them to take a deep breath and calm down. You can then tell them to find the silver lining.

Finally, you can evaluate past situations that turned out just the way you wanted them to, identify the reasons why they were successful in your eyes, then take those same tactics and apply them to the current situation.

In following these three simple steps you will attack the onset of the "freak-out" and you will be in a proactive state of mind. Others can only benefit from your "state" and join you for the joy ride.

So, what if you are not able to avoid a "freak-out"? Pat yourself on the back for being human. We all have them. Again, if I follow my own advice, I will forgive myself for reacting this way, and I will use it as an opportunity to battle my fear head on and strengthen my intent for positive, proactive action. Some times we have to fall to stand up taller. :-)

Remember, the New Year has barely fallen upon us. Have your "freak-out", learn from it, get over it, and move forward with vigor and a deep intention to enjoy each day to the fullest.


Helping you succeed in the dance of life!